Thursday, January 31, 2013

How I save money on breakfast

I am usually running out the door on school days.  I have to get five kids out the door by 7:15 and they have to eat before we leave.  I try not to cook on the weekdays, but I will do extra on the weekends.  One of our favorites are muffins.

These are banana chocolate chip.  The bananas were getting soft.  We also like apple and blueberry.  We just use up whatever fruit we have and make muffins out of them.  You can also use up leftover oatmeal and jelly.  Your muffins will taste a little different but that is OK.  We will make a double batch and put half in the freezer.  We do this for pancakes too.  We just thaw in the microwave.
I also have cereal available most days.  We usually buy generic from Aldi or Wal-Mart or I will use name brand if it is on sale.  We also make granola.  Here is some cranberry that I made last weekend.

We usually eat it with yogurt.  Yummy.  I will also do scrambled eggs and toast or grits or oatmeal.  Yum yum!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Shoe shopping

I took the kids shopping today.  Evan needed some new tennis shoes so we headed to the outlet mall.  Now you would think that the outlets would be cheap, but not as cheap and I would like.  We did find him a pair of clearance Nikes for $30 and a pair of sandles for Emma for $7.  Here is what he ended up with:

They are not my choice, but he liked them.  Then the kids wanted to go to Horse Town.  I had to preface the trip with the fact that we were not going to buy anything.  The kids tried on some boots and really wanted them, but they are so expensive.  Especially when were are going to start wearing sandles and flip flops in two more months.  Emma liked these:

These boots were so Emma.  They were pink and sparkley.  Natalie found some that she liked.

She also liked these:

They also liked most of what was in the store which probably means that we are true country people.  Oh well, it could be worse.  We did have fun though.  Then we came home and did some housework. I cooked mac and cheese, squash casserole, and fried fish all from the freezer.  I also made a double batch of blueberry muffins to take to Leesburg tomorrow.  We are going to our old church to see our former pastor.  He is retiring and we love him.  We have to leave early in the morning so I better get kids in bed.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Food Costs

I went shopping on Saturday.  I spent $63 at Sam's and $122 at Kroger.  This is over my budget of $150 a week.  We are a family of 7 and we have teens.  That ends up to be a little over $20 per person per week and that does not include all of the company that we feed.  I don't think this is too bad, but I would still like to get it down.  I think $400.00 a month would be good.  It would really free up some of our money.  It is something that we are working on.

Speaking of company, we had plenty this weekend.  On Friday it was Steven's brother and their kids. Look at how sweet the baby is.

Yes the dog had to get in on it.  She gets so jealous.  Then on Saturday night our little nephew on the other side spent the night.  Baby girl and I were having fun reading to him.

Middle girl also had a friend spend Saturday night and we took everyone to church on Sunday.  I love to bring extras to church.  I love showing young people about God and that church does not have to be a drag.  My children certainly do not think it is.

You see, because we eat at home and already shop in bulk and cook in bulk it is no problem to have a few extra for a meal.  We almost always have extra and if we don't we just get out some bread and peanut butter.  We always have plenty of that.

Well, we are heading our to night church in a few.  I hope you all have a good evening.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We made it through the week

Yes we made it through the week but barely . I am not going into details, but we had some phone calls this week from school because of the boy and a bus suspension for not using good judgement . He is a good boy but always wants to play . I know that boys grow up slower than girls, but we are praying that he can grow up and mature soon.

It is hard to get back into routines but we have . The children have been tired this week because they got so used to sleeping in . On the plus side report cards were good .  Middle girl and baby girl had all A' s, big girl had one B, little boy had 2 B' s and the boy passed everything even math which we were worried about.

Well I am off to the store . Our fridge is bare!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to work

Well tomorrow is the start of a new work week in a new year . We had a great Christmas and New Years Eve party . We had some family and friends over and played games and ate . We loudly greeted the new year and we had four friends spend the night . 

Steven then took the boys deer hunting in South Georgia for a few days . They didn't get anything, but they bonded and had fun . The girls and I had fun too . We went out for Japanese food one night and then met my sister and her family for frozen yogurt one night . We don't normally go out much because it expensive to take everybody.

Tomorrow it is back to work and school . I sure have enjoyed staying home the last few weeks . I miss staying home, even though I love my job . I feel like I am doing God.s work with my special ed kids . I love them all . For me the more difficult the better . 

I have heard people say that it takes at least 6 months for older foster kids to feel like family and I can say this is true . After 6 months I feel like we are making strives with the boy . Taking in an older foster kids is harder than you think .  They come with baggage that you may not be able to help with . Well we are making progress and that makes me happy . 

Well, I have to go get ready for tomorrow . 5:30 comes early!