I was very nervous starting Kindergarten in a new school. I am not one for change, even though I have always gotten along with people. The first day the teacher or I neither one knew what do with me. I haven't had any instruction from my college, I just observed the first two days and I hated it. I like to be doing something, but I knew that I needed to observe and discover what the class was doing. I also needed to learn the students name and their procedures for doing everything.
This week has been much better so far. I have done a few small groups and written the morning message. I have also gotten to see a few people that I know from the other school, so that is helpful in my transition to this school.
The two biggies for me right now are working on my edTPA and studying for the GACE. EdTPA is this big project that I have to do for the state that includes videos of me teaching. I am going to try to video in the next two weeks. After that it will be doing the commentary. I need to figure out what I am going to teach. After watching today I think I will do beginning sounds. It shouldn't be difficult to teach and everyone except for a few need practice.
So, we are off to church tonight. Oh, yes I am planning a wedding during all of this crazy mess in my life. We have gotten some decorations and we have the dress being fitted We have found a florist that is not too much and the kids are paying for the photographer. We just mostly have to iron out the details and work on food. That won't be until two weeks before the wedding, and I won't be student teaching by then.