Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pantry Callenge

I see all over the web that people will regularly do pantry challenges to use up what is in the pantry and freezer and save some money. I am going to do this for the next two weeks for several reasons. My freezers are stuffed full and I need them cleaned out a little more. I have been putting up veggies which is a good thing but now it is really full. The second reason is to save some money. The beginning of the school year has lots of expenses so I need to get ready. 

I kind of started yesterday but I am really starting today. I am going to allow $25 a week for the next two weeks for food.  My normal is around $150 a week so this will be a challenge. This way I can buy some milk and fruits and veggies.  I will share every day what we ate and what I spent. 

This is my current hall pantry. 

This is not a great picture but is shows our hall pantry. We should have plenty to use. 

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