Monday, September 29, 2014

Why I love thrifting

I love shopping at thrift stores. I would say that the majority of our shirts, shoes and accessories come from thrift stores or are given to us from others. My kids are thin and it is hard to find thrifted pants. I am picky about what I buy. I like name brands and cute. Sometimes I find quit a lot and sometimes I find nothing. I try to hit my local store every other week and the one in the bigger city every time I am that way. As a result my kids have lots of clothes for a fraction of what they would cost new. 

Now the downside is that there are not always this years styles and sometimes you just want something new. One of those times is homecoming. We took a crew to shop. We wanted something modest but pretty. He we are shopping. 

Then we finally found the perfect one. 

It covers the top well. I would love for it to have been longer but this was long compared to most. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Family Decisions

Sometimes you have to make hard decisions that affect the whole family. Sometimes those decisions look bad in the short run but can reep benefits in the long run. My oldest is our biological nephew. He has recently gotten into some trouble and while it may not be the worst in the world it is troubling for us. We worry about what the future holds for him and what his influence will do for our family. Because of this we have consulted the outside help of a group home. This place is residential and would last for the next year and a half. It would provide him with help and an environment that we can't give him. It would give him a better start in life. If he is accepted it would be a big change and would definately not be frugal. We are going to have to pray about what we want to do. Life's struggles and decisions are always hard.

The best thing about all if this trouble that we have had is the support of our church family. Many people in our own family are not saved and don't understand why we make the decisions that we do. Having the support of other Christians has made this process easiesr to bear.  We love The Lord and we are so glad that he is always faithful.

Here is our picture from see you at the pole. Our church youth are so on fire for god. I just can't get enough of seeing that. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Braves Game

Every year Steven's work gives us Braves  tickets. With there being 7 of us and the tickets being so expensive we would not be able to go if they didn't give us these. They also tack on an extra $10 on each ticket for concessions and provide us hotdogs before the game. The weather was great even if the Braves lost. 

One thing that came to my mind while we were there is how different our family is from the main stream. With the extra money on our tickets we bought snacks and cokes while most were buying beer. We just don't enjoy those type of activities and we are rarely in big crowds. We prefer camping to amusement parks and would rather do activities with our church family than parties.  We would rather cook in than go out and would rather watch a movie at home than go to the movies. Since our shift has been more and more Christ like those things of the world don't appeal to us. We have made new kinds of friends and have had to distance ourselves from some family members. 

I am tired and need to wrap it up for bed. I have class tomorrow night and see you at the pole tomorrow. Long day!